Friday, December 28, 2007


While at home for the Christmas holiday I've been discussing the Green Movement with my Mother who has always been a steadfast recycler of paper, bottles, cans, and plastic. She's now stepped it up to serious composting to feed her garden. All well and good, but when asked how green I am I kind of stuttered; because I am - but I'm not to the fullest extent that one could be.

I feel that it's not necessarily worth it to go completely out of your way to reduce your carbon footprint (for instance) by 1%. But after listening to her influence, and others', and then reading this blog post found on digg:

I got to seriously thinking about eRecycling. This is my industry, my career, my passion that is eventually going to fill the Earth with useless waste. How many people do you know that actually properly recycle used electronic equipment? It's very rare - I see yellowing computer parts and pieces set out with the standard trash all the time.

Dell is taking a step in the right direction by offering to recycle your old PC for free when you purchase a new one from them. Companies like Motherboard are doing their part by reusing old electronics boards to make new products (like this awesome business card holder).

I just hope that more and more influential electronics companies catch on and begin to help eliminate the growing amount of eWaste. This goes for us consumers too - look for a proper place to recycle your old PC, VCR, TV, etc. - the blog post above has some suggestions. I'm going to start really pursuing viable options for dispensing with my eWaste now.

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